I always thought the Ki-61 was one of Japan's sleekest looking WWII fighters. German desigined and Daimler-Benz powered, it was built by Kawasaki, and named the "Hien".
The cost of an Otaki kit was reasonable enough that I [...]
I can't take credit for the project but I did do the detail work, (kit construction and modifications), and helped with some of the engineering, as it applied to my kits.
The diorama is at the Pacific Air Museum at Pearl Harbor. It has [...]
Hello guys,
Yesterday evenig arrived prize from imodeler. When I opened box I was exicted. My cat, his name is Eduard, love this kit as well :D. We think, that model looks really great, all parts and rivets are very accurate like other [...]
Though I did manage to make this car come out decent, it was a huge pain. As I was working on this car, I had not let the paint cure all the way and I put a clear cote on it. Because of this the paint started to wrinkle and I panicked; I [...]
This is the old Matchbox 1/32 kit, which could be built as a RAF version, or a Fleet Air Arm Sea Venom. It is another of those kits that I “started in the City, and finished in the country”, but this time it’s one that I only [...]
You may have read the recent comments between Tom and me on his Jav posting, re maintaining classic aircraft in a difficult economic climate. At the former RAF base at Flixton, Norfolk, there is a Jav, Vixen, Meteor, Mig, and a host of [...]
Another 1/48 Airfix 'Fighter All Weather' representative, on the back of Tom's recent Jav post.
No photos of the cockpit areas. Although detailed, they are truely 'coal holes' and not supportive of pretty pictures.
Gloster Aircraft, having developed and produced the only Allied jet aircraft to be operational during the war, the Gloster Meteor, sought to take advantage of its expertise, and responded to a 1947 Air Ministry requirement for a [...]