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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Crow's Nest Mercury Spacecraft

On May 5, 1961, Alan Shepard sat in a glorified garbage can atop a converted ballistic missile and was lofted 263 miles from Cape Canaveral, FL to the North Atlantic just off the Bahamas. He sat in the cramped capsule for 4 hours before [...]

Fonderie Miniature F11F-1 Tiger

Knowing the reputation of Fonderie Miniature kits, I probably would never have gotten around to building this one had it not been for my club's annual build theme of "Blue." The kit epitomizes short-run multi-media: rough [...]

Albatros B.II

WNW 1:32 Tamiya paints Kit decals for woodgrain with tinted varnish to deepen the tone Copper State Models 3D printed wheels Prop:oils over acrylic Gaspatch turnbuckles Model Kasten rigging

1/72 KP Spitfire PR Mk XI

This is my first completed model for the year. I had a lot of other things going on and did not manage to finish much this year. This is the 1/72 KP Spitfire MK XI. I have wanted to have one of these USAAF Spitfires in PRU blue in my [...]

Wingnut Wings' LVG C.VI

This build shows my LVG C.VI in the markings of FAA233 in the closing months of WW1. One of the earliest WnW kits, it builds up into a very nice model and I like the contrast of camouflage, lozenge and black and white panels as well as [...]

Scissors & Plane Bf109G-10 Paper model 1/ 100 scale

Still need some more practice but the smaller I get the more challenging it becomes to make joints fit properly and remember to printout cut lines. Overall I feel really happy with the final outcome of this model. Makes mye want to do a [...]

Video: Creating Model Aircraft Fillets

This video describes the important elements of a fillet and how to create fillets for scale models. Modeling the A-26B Invader by combining the best of the Monogram and ICM kits (link) Scale Model Workshop website (link)

1/72 Me-410 Hornisse, Frog F178

One of those planes that looked like a winner and didn’t quite pan out that way, I always considered the Me-410 looked like a mean machine. It did do considerable damage once the Me-210/410 design was finalized, but the history books do [...]

1/72 Fiat CR.42 Falco, VINTAGE Revell H-648

Another inspiration while reading R.S.Tucks biography, 'Fly for your Life', I did not know that the Regia Aeronautica sent aircraft to participate in the Battle of Britain. One learned fact the book does report was that the Fiat C.R.42 [...]

Eduard 1/72 Bf-109G-6 Hermann Graf.

Here's another Eduard '109. I used a lot of Eduard's 3D printed aftermarket sets (7 to be exact), which I will list below. The kit, as you know, is just the best. The decals really came through on this build, especially the red "tulip [...]