Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
This is an Eduard "Weekend Edition" kit. It is an extraordinarily detailed model. Lots of parts and sub-assemblies, but they all fit perfectly. It's my first finished kit for 2014. The model was built straight from the box [...]
I wanted to do this scheme the first time I saw it on an F-18, but I did not want to do all the masking to achieve it. Fortunately good things come to those who wait, and sure enough the MIG arrived with all the hard work done as a kit [...]
Here is Polish firm Choroszy Modelbud's 1/72 kit of the Caproni Ca.3 with 25.4mm gun, together with six figures from a Waterloo 1815 set of Italian WWI soldiers, the latter having arms and legs repositioned for the project. The vignette [...]
I always have liked the Republic F-105 Thunderchief. Designed to do a clean, precision, tactical nuclear attack, back in the Cold War days. And then never doing that, but saddled with a grunt job of delivering conventional ordnance at low [...]
Roy's son sent me these photos he's found. The airplane is Roy's F-86E. The picture of the Sabre is interesting because it's one of the few color photos I have seen of the enlarged "Misawa tanks", which were painted yellow to [...]
Hi, I'm back 🙂 I was away for a long time because of this baby nearly for a year. On January (last year) my friend asked about 1/16 scratchbuilt this sea plane for his collection. I tried to explain to him that not much information [...]
Made out of the box with Eduard belts, painted with WEM colocoats.
First, let me say that this is a classic example for the motto of my Club "I Know Where the Mistakes Are and I'm Not Going to Tell You Where They Are" second, this is the very old Hobbycraft 1/48 kit of the Seversky S2 Racer [...]
American Lance Wade was a true Yank in the RAF. Near the end of his combat career Squadron Leader "Wildcat" Wade flew a Spitfire VIII with the serial JF472 and the codes ZX-J. Wade made his final claims in ZX-J; 2 Fw190s [...]
The annals of aviation history do not prominently display the name of Flight Lieutenant Roy French, RAF. However, Captain Joseph McConnell, the American ace of aces of the Korean War, had good reason to remember the name. Roy was [...]