iModeler Diorama

Representing reality in miniature.

Figure this, the crew is ready....

Well the crew for the Tiger is done, though one lost half his body along the way. Maybe it has to do with the Dragon's Tooth Stout in the last picture, as he had them there! The standing figures in parka and jacket are Alpine miniatures [...]

Volkssturm 1/35

After i bought a beautiful Tamiya IS-2, i decided to try and depict harsh conditions of Berlin fighting and the fact that the young and the old defended the city side by side with the soldiers. I started with the stairs idea, i liked a few [...]

“Pachydermia” – somewhere in burma 1942 – Supermarine Walrus aka “Shagbat” finished with diorama

This is the last part of my Matchbox Walrus MK I. build. The diorama - where an elephant tows a walrus 😀 - finished so the name "Pachydermia" :). I made a lot effort into this kit but the ugliness and the same time somehow [...]

Tiger in the (Deeper) Woods

About eighten months ago, I posted an article here, with photographs of an armour diorama, depicting a Konigstiger making its way through scrubby Ardennes forest in December, 1944. Also modelled - a few troops, including a hapless [...]

“zu Fuß” a Hs129 retreating in the desert in 1942 – on foot :)

Hi! This is my second Hs-129 this time in 1:72. I bought the Italeri kit AFTER built the 1:48 Hasegawa one 🙂 so that was clear soon that I had to make something different from this err... not so good kit. I intended to go a little [...]

Furious 7 movie scene diorama 3

This is 1/25 scale The car is a heavily modified amt 69 charger This is from a scene in the new move after dom drives it off a mountain cliff to get away from a pack of bad guys

furious 7 movie scene diorama 2

this is 1 64 scale the car is a hot wheels fast and furious 70 charger the helicopter is some glue kit i found in a ziploc bag with no instructins or decals in the model kit locker at my clubs model building class i suspened them with [...]

furious 7 movie scene diorama 1

this is 1/25 scale the wrecked charger is modified 69 charger body with a resin 70 charger grille

Tamiya 1/35 M-113 APC

The Tamiya M-113 APC is an old kit. It comes with a complete interior, an engine, and 5 figures. A nice kit considering it's age, which according to my "armor" friends, is outdated. To me, it was a nice change of pace from [...]

V-2, American Style

The Nazis poured a substantial sum of money and committed a large amount of personnel in the V-2 (also known as the A-4) program. Over 2,600 rockets were launched at London and Antwerp and the loss of life was high. As a weapon of war it [...]