In the original set of plastic replaced the hood and the engine. Model added machine gun and the Russian double-headed eagle. The screw is made of paper and glue.
More write nothing. Enjoy watching.
Kebnekaise, situated north of the Polar Circle, is the highest mountain in Sweden. (2097 m above sea level.)
It is a sign of the popularity and worldwide spread of our hobby, that there is an IPMS club even in this remote place.
On the 14. [...]
As I was responding to Tom Clever's post today of his older Demon build, I decided to post my 1/72 rendition of the Demon.
I've built 2 Emhar kits, and only buy/build them because they are generally the only option (at least at the time) [...]
This is the new Airfix Mk.I. Light years better than their effort of a few years ago. Built absolutely out of the box, with the exception of Eduard seat belts. Everything fitted beautifully with just a little attention to the separate fuel [...]
It's hard to believe this kit has now been out for 18 years.
The Douglas F4D-1 Skyray was the first Navy fighter capable of that could exceed Mach 1 in level flight. It was the first carrier-based fighter to hold the world's absolute [...]
A model I built and reviewed some 12 years ago.
On May 21, 1948, the United States Navy issued a "Request for Proposal" to build a carrier-based jet day fighter. The Navy wanted an aircraft of equal or superior performance to the [...]
The IPMS Race City Modelers had our July meeting yesterday. George Witters gave a demonstration on working with Aves epoxy and John Loner led a discussion on types of adhesives used in plastic modeling. Race City Modelers is entering the [...]
1/72 Revell, with some modifications, not all visible, nose gear and decals from the Hobbycraft kit, finished in Humbrol, Revell and MM enamels and I think Future overall, flown by Communications and Rescue Sqn RCAF from 1954.