Well, this wasn't a weekend build but, it was close! It took me four days to finish it. This Hobby Boss easy build kit was exactly that: an easy build. The parts count is very small and fit was excellent. I only needed a tiny bit of [...]
This is the brand new ICM kit. What fun this one was! This is probably the most fool-proof biplane I've ever built. The parts are molded very nicely, it fits extremely well, has enough detail to make it look busy, and it looks like a [...]
It's high time for another monthly iModeler retrospective - this time looking back at our February contributions. 90 new headline articles were posted during the month, prompting 1128 readers' comments.
It is our ambition to ensure that [...]
Restoration of old ESCI A-4 Skyhawk 1/48
Decals are home made with laser decal paper. Some missing parts are scratched.
colors: Hu140, Hu 129 & Revell 50+05
Built for 'Micro Modelling Month' over at www.modelersalliance.com - an annual GB/Campaign to build any model in one of the smaller scales.
As I have four of these kits on the shelf, I thought it was time to build another Hawker Hunter, [...]
The aircraft is ex-Czechoslovakian AF and has RAF camouflage scheme. The Phoenix carrying the Spitfire was painted while in Czechoslovakia to provide good fortune for the young pilots ferrying the plane to Israel. The aircraft was [...]
Hi everybody,
I haven't written anything for really long time... 🙁 Let's start something fresh and old at the same time! 🙂
One year ago, I started new build - Special Hobby's Martin Maryland 167F in 1/48 scale. The most annoying [...]
While with Vf-31 line Div. oneday this lovable mutt happened upon our flight line. We took care of him for two days before base security, NAS Oceana VA, took him away. Fresh water wash down on Saratoga. Maintenance shots VF-31 and VF-74. [...]