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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Arado Ar 196 A3

This is the my completed build of the Italeri 1/48 kit, which was intended to be completed OOB as a little light relief from my ongoing struggle with the MPM He 177. It's a strange kit, quite crude and toy like in places with clumsily [...]

Review: AK 1/35 Land Rover 88 IIA Review


Sometimes in our modeling journey we get involved with builds we had no intention of building but are glad we did. This was one such build for me. My co-worker, Phil, who was a F-111 munitions maintenance ground crewman, based at Nellis [...]

2023 NSW Model ShowMiscellaneous

Some caught the eye more than others! All the best and happy modelling!

2023 NSW Model ShowMilitary Vehicles

A selection of military vehicles that caught my eye at the show!

2023 NSW Model Show - Aircraft

Hi Everyone Here are a selection of aircraft models that took my interest at the 2023 NSW Scale Model Show that was on last weekend. Great weekend for all and much modelling inspiration for next year!

Unusual markings for an all too usual buildEduard 190 A-4

Back in late 2018 I posted a new decal maker in the market: (link) I like these decals so much that I already purchased 4 sheets and as a consequence several of my 190 articles here use them. This one is from that first sheet…5 years [...]

F6F-3 Hellcat (Eduard 1/48)

This is recently re-issued 8227 ProfiPack with a well-known Hellcat in this scale. I wanted to try new Eduard aftermarket offerings, so I've added 3D printed wheel bays and bronze legs. It's nice additions to the quite old kit, especially [...]

T2V-1 Seastar, US Marines El Toro 1962. 1/72 Sword

To make the TV-2[T-33] carrier suitable, Lockheed added an elevated instructor's seat,strenghened undercarriage, tail hook and catapult hookup and leading-edge flaps were improvements made to what became known as the T2V-1[T-1A] Seastar. [...]

Academy and Dragon 1/35 "Magach" variants in the IDF

Over the years the M48A and its successor the 60A has undergone extensive modifications in the IDF service. "Magach" stands for battering-ram. Magach variants are among my favorite AFV models. Without effort, when completed the [...]