So this is the second build that I had promised a few days ago, another kit saved from the proverbial Shelf of Doom. This Tamiya F2A-2 kit, much like the Hobbycraft P-36 that came before, was purchased for something like $6 many years ago, [...]
Hi folks, it has been a while!
I'm typing this on a boat, currently off the coast of Senegal... if that explains why I haven't posted a lot of articles recently.
This is the Kinetic 1/48 sea harrier 2 kit, with the Eduard cockpit set, [...]
After a long five months, I’ve finally completed the next two builds for my Battle of Britain anniversary series running in Model Airplane International magazine. These are both 1:48 scale models, the Wingsy Kits Me109E-1 and ICM Heinkel [...]