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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Tamiya, IDF M151 A2, TOW in 1/35 scale

Hi Guys here is my Tamiya, IDF M151 A2 Orev (TOW) in 1/35 scale. Aftermarket parts: Legend IDF Orev 1/35 M151A2 Detailing Set Eduard 1/35 M-151A2 photo-etch colors and weathering effects by Ammo-Mig, Tamiya and AK. Have a great day!

1/48 Hasegawa N1K1-Ja Shiden Model 11 Kou "Prisoner of War"

This is my entry for the Empire of Japan Group build. Really enjoyed the theme plus a great kit with few vices to worry about. I added Master Barrels, QB exhaust and made pitot from brass tubing. Rest of kit OOB plus used the kit decals [...]

1/350 IJN Akagi

Hello Everyone, It's been a while since my last article. I am still on hiatus on plastic modeling but I wanted to share this model. This is the Hasegawa 1/350 Akagi, with all the Hasegawa Akagi. Airbrushed with Mr.Color and Tamiya [...]

Spitfire Mk.II Aces High

I don't normally build ww2 era planes and even rarer you can find 1:32 subject on my desk. But having Revell release this kit about 6 months before my good friend's birthday, who is (surprise surprise) a huge Maiden fan, the ever present [...]

North American T-28B Trojan Kitty Hawk 1/32

VT-27, NAS Corpus Christi, Texas 1981 Construction from a box, I added some wires Marking completely sprayed, Mr.Paint colors

Mustang (after many years out of the saddle)

Here is my 1/48 Tamiya mustang. This is my first effort after a long time away from the hobby. This kit had been sitting half completed in the back of my cupboard so I decided it was a good place to start. The decals had not aged well and [...]

T-54B, Syrian Army, Trumpeter 1/35

Hi, This is not my first model, but certainly my first post here. I hope you like it. This is the old model released by Trumpeter in the 90s (Item No. 00338) and it gives you the chance to do it as a static model or a motorised kit. A [...]

Tiger I 1/35 Tamiya

A good friend once said to me.."Get a hobby, any hobby, you'll always learn something". So I purchased this Tamiya Tiger and learned about Michael Wittman. This was a fun two week build and I got to practice weathering effects. [...]

1/32 Tamiya T-Rex

I made this one for a friend who is a big dinosaur guy. It took longer than I thought because I'm not a wildlife modeler and dealing with the headaches I had figuring out how to redo the surface detail such as scales and seams around the [...]

Hobby Craft 1:48 Scale Morane-Saulnier Ms-406C

Hobby Craft kits... What can I say that hasn't already been said? Soft on detail, shape issues, sometimes out and out incorrect... However, they did subjects that many other main stream manufacturers did not, or would not do. While the [...]