Finally! It probably took four years since I received a mail from iModeler by mail. This Spitfire)). But, they say, it's better late than never. The model was assembled in the framework of the annual tournament "Collect for 24 [...]
This video presents several options for single action airbrushes that are useful for painting scale models
For more information about airbrushing scale models, visit my web page at: For more information about airbrushing scale models, [...]
1/72 scale "Biber German Midget Submarine" by Special Hobby (Special Navy). 1/72 Special Armour "The Biber Trailer".
For more details about Splecial Hobby range please visit: (link)
And follow the official Special [...]
I just found out about this show a couple of days ago and so popped along this morning. Had a great time and snapped a few photos if you are interested...most are dioramas.
Reminiscent of Rob's recent 'End of the Line' build, but clearly [...]
Finished a biplane with rigging for the first time in ages. Lots of fun and challenges. The Eduard kit was great as usual, but has a 3-part fuselage assembly that presented some fit challenges that that led to me to do some over done [...]
There is likely no fighter airplane better known in the world than that flown by “The Bloody Red Baron of Germany,” as the song “Snoopy and the Red Baron” has it. People who know nothing about airplanes know the all-red Fokker [...]
Any fellow iModellers attending this event? It may be a little late to ask, but I've only just noticed it's happening and with no other plans tomorrow I thought I'd go along. I'll post some photos afterwards.
I'll have the dark grey [...]