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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

1/35 T-90A

Two models by Meng and Zvezda. The latter has the rear fuel tanks installed. Both models are complex to build yet, the results are well worth the effort. Meng's model is better engineered and has workable tracks although the natural sag of [...]

1:48 Scale, Accurate Miniatures TBM-3 "Avenger"

Calling this one DONE! One of my favorite kits to build, (I've built three...). The kit overall suffers from a wee bit of over engineering, (As in you won't see most of what's in the fuselage...). The fit and level of detail is very well [...]

Somalia 92-93

I was deployed to Somalia for several months in late 1992-early 1993. My unit was a mobile airlift headquarters that set up with the joint task force headquarters in what was left of the American Embassy in Mogadishu. The Embassy was [...]

Tamiya 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf-109G-6

Tamiya 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf-109G-6. I finished this up early last month, but didn't feel like shooting it until today. Built out of the box, with only ceramic wire antenna added. Airbrushed with MRP RLM 74/75/76.

Piaggio-Pegna P.c.7

Hello everyone! This time I share with you a subject that is closer to my heart. It is a strange, but beautiful, as a real italian engineering creation. It was develepoed for one reason, to win the well known Schneider Trophy for Italy in [...]

Review: L'Amiot 143De L'Amiot 140 a L'Amiot 150 Jerome Ribeiro & Michel Ledet

Lela Presse focus on books covering mostly French equipment but also other nations. For the French, at least, they aim at definitive and are comprehensive and accurate. They are not cheap but for the cost you get everything you could [...]

Mach2's Arado Ar232B transport

This build is part of the 'Imperial German...' group build, and given the age of the model and presentation of the parts, it is definitely a challenge. However, I'm pleased with the eventual outcome and this represents about two months of [...]

Airfix Dehavilland Vampire T11

Yes, this is a starter kit, but, the fit is INCREDIBLE. Did this for a break from the Victory (which is slowly coming along) No filler was required, and all paints used were by Vallejo. Decals went down well with "set" & [...]

Tamiya Messerschmitt Bf109E-4/TropBlack-8 2.JG27

Presenting the well known Messerschmitt Bf109E-4/Trop, Black-8 of 2.JG27, in the famous dotted desert scheme. During our last holiday in Greece, we took the opportunity to visit Spiros @fiveten and his lovely family. It was a special and [...]


Hola from the Spain! This is the Meng 1/35 kit of the T-72. I built it at sea last year and sprayed it back on land on my leave. I finished it early February, but was a bit reluctant to post it with current global affairs. But without any [...]