Meng Leopard C2 more progress
This article is part of a series:
- 1/35th Leopard Line Up
- Leopard 1A5 Bundeswehr
- Weathering, the Belgian Leopard Conversion Continues
- Leopard AS1 Aus Cam Update
- Leopard AS 1 Olive Drab Lusterless Update
- Dutch Leopard 1
- Australian Leopard AS1 Dozer
- Danish Leopard 1A5DK
- Takom 1/35 Canadian C2 Leopard Mexas
- Australian Trials Leopard Tank
- Australian Leopard AS1 with drivers and engine compartments.
- Leopard AS1 Engine, Engine Bay and Drivers Compartment Latest Progress
- Unfinished Business – Finishing Off the Belgian Leopard
- Trying New Techniques On Tamiya Leopard A3/A4
- Revell Leopard 1 A1A4 Weathering And Camnet
- Leopard 1 A1A1 With Peddinghaus Turret
- 1/35 Camouflage Nets
- Camnet Construction continued...
- Schutzenpanzer Marder 1
- Meng C2 Mexas with Dozer Progress
- Meng Leopard C2 more progress
Well, another spurt today. Body painted (tried preshading), wheels and tires painted and added. Just need to repair the parts I ham fistedly knocked off doing the turret!
Next I'm going to try and get some figures for her...
Coming together nicely, Ian!
Nice progress, Ian @