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Ian Foulkes
60 articles

Meng Leopard C2 more progress

October 12, 2022 · in Armor · · 2 · 0.8K
This article is part of a series:
  1. 1/35th Leopard Line Up
  2. Leopard 1A5 Bundeswehr
  3. Weathering, the Belgian Leopard Conversion Continues
  4. Leopard AS1 Aus Cam Update
  5. Leopard AS 1 Olive Drab Lusterless Update
  6. Dutch Leopard 1
  7. Australian Leopard AS1 Dozer
  8. Danish Leopard 1A5DK
  9. Takom 1/35 Canadian C2 Leopard Mexas
  10. Australian Trials Leopard Tank
  11. Australian Leopard AS1 with drivers and engine compartments.
  12. Leopard AS1 Engine, Engine Bay and Drivers Compartment Latest Progress
  13. Unfinished Business – Finishing Off the Belgian Leopard
  14. Trying New Techniques On Tamiya Leopard A3/A4
  15. Revell Leopard 1 A1A4 Weathering And Camnet
  16. Leopard 1 A1A1 With Peddinghaus Turret
  17. 1/35 Camouflage Nets
  18. Camnet Construction continued...
  19. Schutzenpanzer Marder 1
  20. Meng C2 Mexas with Dozer Progress
  21. Meng Leopard C2 more progress

Well, another spurt today. Body painted (tried preshading), wheels and tires painted and added. Just need to repair the parts I ham fistedly knocked off doing the turret!
Next I'm going to try and get some figures for her...

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1  Awesome

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2 responses

  1. Coming together nicely, Ian!

  2. Nice progress, Ian @

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