93 articles · 16.8K karma · 77 friends · active 3 hours, 51 minutes ago
Hi,I am based in Warrington in the north west of England and usualy build 1/48 scale aircraft ,generaly WW2 and coldwar so from1939 up to around 1975 (ish !),my current main interests are anything Israeli and British fleet air arm. If anyone is interested in swapping information please feel free to get in touch.
I am a 1966 vintage and work in the Chemicals industry which is boring and usualy involves keeping some pretty nasty stuff under lock and key.
I am also a biker and am into the great outdoors, and good old fashioned rock n roll,the louder the better.
I know this is a bit off subject (a bit !) , I have a good friend ,a Limey like myself ,however he is currently residing in the U.S. of A ,Texas to be accurate and has brought me a couple exotic treats on his latest return home, trouble is [...]
Well at long last I got my second contribution to the Kasserine pass G.B. finished or nearly finished (More on that at the end... )
The Vehicle.
Based on the Austin K30 light truck and known affectionately as "Katy" by her crews [...]
Here is my first of two contributions to this G.B. , let me start by thanking my (our) friend Dave for putting this together ,it's been fun I'm sure we'll all agree.
The kit is Tamiya's new 1/35 Valentine tank and what a great kit it is, [...]
Well as always I am good to my word, I said I'd build the kit my peers picked and so here it is and it has not been easy.
Because of the way the kit is constructed it is possible to build the fuselage completely before moving on to the [...]
Well first of all let me just thank everyone who took part in this little venture, I only did it for fun and I think it was just that so thanks again to all the boys who voted.
You might be interested to know that it was actually a tie [...]
This guys is my entire stash, all of it, that's the lot ,I know some guys who have literally hundreds of kits but not me ,as a rule I buy a kit I want to build and then I build it but even with that policy you will inevitably end up with a [...]
Well some of you may remember my request for help with this kit some weeks ago,but to give a quick re-cap I bought a kit second hand at a club day a couple of years ago and found in the box was also another kit ,the kit was obviously very [...]
Some of you may remember my request recently for help with this kit,just to quickly recap I bought a PR Spitfire kit (Fujimi) at a club day and found the box also contained this little oddball kit ,it appeared to be moulded from recycled [...]
Here is the second of my Revell P47n Thunderbolts,it was a fun little build though not particularly inspiring ,I improved the kit by adding True details gun barrels and wheels and an aftermarket decal set from Warbirds.Chautaugua was based [...]
O.K guys ,everyone likes to be a smarty pants ,a know it all, an expert ,so lets see if anyone can identify this aircraft, I'll give you as much information as I have. A couple of years ago I was at a club day and a guy was there selling [...]