iModeler Photo Collections
New and historic photograph collections
All I can say is “wow”! What a superb air museum this place has evolved into. I’d venture to say this is the best collection west of the US Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson in Dayton, Ohio. Not surprisingly there are many [...]
Here are some of my builds from 2013-15 era before we left Louisiana and moved to Minnesota. Sadly none of these build made it on the trek North and were either sold or given away. The kits pictured are as I recall:
1/350 Hobbyboss USS [...]
Hello to everyone
This is my first post. Reading all the posts on Vintage kits, I decided to look through my stash of unbuilt kits to see what I might have. I found quite a few and included a couple of photos of a few of them. The include [...]
Here are seven photos of Vintage kits I've built. I have a few more, but only have photos for seven of them.
1 Atlantis (Revell) Box Scale F-89 Scorpion
2 1/72 Matchbox A-7D
3 1/200 AMT Moonraker (reboxed Lindberg kit from 2019)
4 1/72 [...]
Join Tam, John, Dani and Johan from 1900 GMT/1400 EST on youtube every friday!
Happy new year everyone, here are all the builds I completed in 2022, it was a busy one.
This year seems it was a blur. With uncertainty with the pandemic here not here, masks no masks, economy was in disarray, gas sky high especially here in California. The year was cruising along but in April I received a note from the new [...]
I normally plan on completing one model each month, but we moved last January from our house of 30 years into a new house in a new town. These are the models built since the summer. Everyone have a great New Years. Cheers.
During all of 2021, I did not complete one model. Not one. Was a disappointing year as far as model building was concerned. My usual output each year, a modest four or five complete builds, with a couple started, maybe one sent to the [...]
I was deployed to Somalia for several months in late 1992-early 1993. My unit was a mobile airlift headquarters that set up with the joint task force headquarters in what was left of the American Embassy in Mogadishu. The Embassy was [...]