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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Work bench update Lunch of Champions!

Your eyes aren't deceiving you. Two IN-N-Out Double Doubles with grilled onions fries and a light beer. (I'm on a diet) And a fresh box of GAZ-03-30 for dessert. What could be finer. The GAZ is my next project. Really detailed. The [...]

Eduard 1:72 Fw190A-8 , building the "imperfect Beast"

a cantankerous build at best, but still a nice model which i'll build again in other versions as they are released. one online review called this kit as close as perfect as we modelers can expect, so i'll call this article "building [...]

Last builds of completed models of 2015: Airfix 1/72 Blenheim Mk. IF and Mk. IV

Last builds of the year, the beautiful little Airfix Blenheims. Since between the two kits together there are parts to mix-and-match to create different versions than OOB, I used the gun tray from the Mk.IV kit to turn the other into a [...]

1/72 C-97

1/72 C-97 built OOB painted with Model Master Metalizers.

Revell 1:32 Spitfire

Revell 1:32 Spitfire Mk.IIa (Backdated to Mk.Ia) QV-K P9386 19 Sqn Pilot S/L Brian Lane and F/L Walter Lawson Kit: Revell 1:32 Spitfire Mk.IIa Decals: EagleCal EC#157 Paint: AK Interactive Sundries: Mig AMMO Washes, Tamiya Weathering [...]

1/48 CH-53

1/48 Academy CH-53 built OOB, painted with Lifecolor paints. This build is on Display at the USS Lexington Museum in Corpus Christi Texas.

1:72 Airfix Kittyhawk

This is the last of my 2014 builds, and as always one of Airfix's new tools and a joy to build. Finished with the kit decals and using Tamiya paints.

New Cave

Finally in operational building mode after 2 years of moving, construction and repairing a horrid, inept contractors (lack of) workmanship, I can return to butchering plastic. Already have moved a few things around since these pics were [...]

Grandson's first modelRevell Snap Tite F-16

My five year old grandson got a bunch of die cast airplanes as a gift a while back. He had his mom send me a picture asking what kind of airplanes they were and he's been interested ever since. On a whim I picked this up for him a few [...]

Workbenches and man caves

Here are some seldom seen views of the ultra secret Mexican Skunk Works, located deep in the swamps of East Texas. Not quite as neat an elegant as some, but it's been serving me well for the last 25 years. There have been many model [...]